Self-introduction letter to Professor Blackstone

Dear Professor Blackstone,

I am Ong Yuan Xu, a year 1 mechanical engineering student in your Critical Thinking and Communication module. This email is to introduce myself, my educational background, my communication strengths and weaknesses, and my goals in this module.

Before I pursued a degree in mechanical engineering in Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT), I completed a diploma in food science and technology with a certificate in business at Singapore Polytechnic (SP). My diverse educational background sets me apart from my peers, most of whom have a traditional engineering background. During my diploma, one notable module was Instrumental Analysis, where I had to conduct quantitative and qualitative tests on food samples using different instruments. Besides the tests, I had to understand how these instruments obtain the results, which was when I had the opportunity to understand how a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer works; the components, and the principle behind it. This experience made me grow interest in engineering, leading me to apply for mechanical engineering in SIT.

In SIT, I can expand my knowledge in engineering and essential soft skills. One of the soft skills would be communication, which I will be able to learn in your module, as I will reflect and work on my communication strengths and weaknesses. My communication strength is respect, as I would always suspend judgment, allowing the speaker to finish his sentences, as it is disrespectful to interrupt someone while he is trying to deliver his idea. My weakness would be the lack of confidence, which causes me to be hesitant when I talk, as well as fear and anxiety. For example, during presentations, I tend to look down at my script due to fear of saying the wrong thing, and my mind would often be blank due to stage fright. Therefore, my goal in this module would be to overcome stage fright and improve my ability to communicate clearly and concisely.

I hope this email provides you with a better understanding of my background and goals in this module. I look forward to our next lesson.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Yuan Xu


  1. Hey bud, it was interesting to read through your self introduction, it was clear and organized and the flow was good, also learned something new "Fourier transform infrared spectrometer", I too resonate with your weakness especially when I have to present something Im not 100% about, Lets level up together !

  2. Hi Yuan Xu, your letter has helped me get to know you a little better. Your previous course sounds interesting and I'm sure your time in Singapore Poly was fruitful. Since you might not have the similar background as other engineering students, feel free to approach me if you ever need help. I can definitely relate to you about lacking confidence when presenting. Lets try our best to improve that aspect of ourselves :)

    1. In terms of grammar and phrasing, your letter is well written. In paragraph 2, perhaps for this sentence: "This experience made me grow interest in engineering..." you can instead phrase it as: "This experience caused me to grow more interested in engineering, which led me to ..."
      Also in paragraph 3, I think the word "reserve" is more appropriate than "suspend", in the sentence: "... as I would always suspend judgment..."


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